You have only one chance to make the best first impression
Most buyers see your home for the first time on the Internet. If you make a good first impression through attractive photos, they visit in person. When they walk up to the house, the first impression starts on the street and then through the interior and gardens.
To excite buyers, it is important to communicate the “WOW” factor immediately. If you do it right, your house will sell quickly and at a higher price.
Making your House Look Its Best
These are the most important items in preparing your house for sale:
- Fresh and current colors
- Attractive flooring
- Good lighting
- Kitchen and bathroom upgrades
- Neat and appealing landscaping
We advise you on the improvements that will bring you a higher sale price. Our approach works, and sellers often profit 2- to 5-fold on the costs of preparation.
Staging: Furnishing your House
Once your house is prepared, it is important to furnish it so that buyers find it attractive and comfortable. Since most buyers first see your house on the Internet, pictures of empty rooms are uninteresting. Appropriately furnished rooms are appealing and will attract buyers.
These are the most important benefits of staging a house:
- Photographs look better.
- Enhances the critical first impression, creating a “wow” factor.
- Buyers feel at home and stay longer.
- Staging shows buyers how they can use the space for their lifestyle.
Achieving the RIGHT LOOK
It is important to present the right look for your house. Decorating a house for sale creates a neutral, clean look that appeals to the largest number of buyers. This applies to the interior and outside of your home. The right look changes every few years. We keep up with the popular trends, and help you achieve this look for your home.
Turn Over Your Home to Experts
Many sellers are content with or proud of their interior decor and landscaping. However, in many cases, the right look is different than what you have chosen for your home. It is best to turn over the preparation of your home to an experienced Realtor and her expert consultants. This brings you the best results and the highest sale price.
The Care Factor
Buyers respond subconsciously but strongly to the level of care in a home. For example, if you have weeds or dead plants in your front yard, they will register, “The owners do not take care of their house. What else have they neglected?” Byers start off with a negative impression, so you better have something else to make your home special. This can be a lower price or great location.
Other Subconscious Factors
There are other subconscious triggers for buyers that will cost you money. We have seen sellers loose up to $100,000 on a sale because interior wall colors are not appealing, or a room has dark wood trim. There are many more triggers; for example, a broken porch light, water stains, an old refrigerator, or worn linoleum.
Buyers react emotionally to factors like this. If you ask them, they may not be able to tell you why they reject the house from consideration, or they site another unrelated factor. It is best to avoid as many of these pitfalls as possible. It will cost you little and you will walk away with a higher profit.
When to Let Go of Your House
Once you decide to sell, it is best to decide that it is no longer your house. Turn your house over to us to prepare it for the sale. We will work with you on what changes are needed and how you plan to pay for these improvements. When you spend money to prepare your house, you make money!